Johns Hopkins University is ranked among the best universities in
Do you want to pursue an undergraduate degree at Rice
The University of California, Davis or simply UC Davis is
Do you want to pursue an undergraduate degree at Purdue
Is Northeastern University on your target school list for undergraduate
Are you thinking of pursuing an undergraduate degree at Yale
Are you thinking of applying to the University of Pennsylvania?
Are you planning to pursue an undergraduate degree at Columbia
Johns Hopkins University is ranked among the best universities in
Do you want to pursue an undergraduate degree at Rice
The University of California, Davis or simply UC Davis is
Do you want to pursue an undergraduate degree at Purdue
Is Northeastern University on your target school list for undergraduate
Are you thinking of pursuing an undergraduate degree at Yale
Are you thinking of applying to the University of Pennsylvania?
Are you planning to pursue an undergraduate degree at Columbia
Most teens spend 15 years of their life second-guessing what is a good career for them; and despite their best efforts, 70% end up in the wrong profession.
Through a dynamic process of assessment, exploration, and acceleration, we remove the insecurities, missteps, and uncertainty in every child’s life as they transition from a teenager to a successful professional. Removing the struggles and trials of 15 years, Advantage15 brings them face to face with what they would love doing all their life.
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