UC Santa Barbara SAT Score Important Updates 2023 – Clever Harvey

UC Santa Barbara SAT

Are you thinking of applying to the University of California, Santa Barbara? This college, also known as UC Santa Barbara or UCSB, is a public research university in Santa Barbara, California. It is one of the oldest undergraduate colleges in the University of California system, after UC Berkeley and UCLA.

Since all the students are carefully selected, UC Santa Barbara is able to provide an excellent learning environment. To get into this university, your application will definitely require some hard work and careful planning. This article will tell you about all the requirements for UC Santa Barbara, including UC Santa Barbara SAT scores, UC Santa Barbara ACT scores, UC Santa Barbara acceptance rate, etc.

UC Santa Barbara SAT Requirements

The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is used by many colleges in the United States to judge an applicant’s readiness for college-level academics. As the test is standardized and administered to students across the country and world, it provides a better base measure than school scores, which can be heavily affected by school-specific factors. Therefore, you should know the requirement for UC Santa Barbara SAT scores.

Also check: UT Austin SAT Requirements

UC Santa Barbara SAT Policy 2024-25

The UC Santa Barbara SAT policy is test-optional for all freshmen applicants. UC Santa Barbara will be test-blind for freshman applications for fall 2024. During this time, the university will not consider SAT or ACT test scores when making admissions decisions or awarding scholarships. If you choose to submit test scores as part of your application, they may be used as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility or for course placement after you enroll. In 2024, standardized test scores may be used for awarding certain scholarships and course placement.

By 2025, the University of California aims to eliminate any use of the ACT/SAT for California students and will require a new UC-endorsed test to measure UC-readiness. However, if by 2025 the new UC test is either unfeasible or not ready, consideration of the ACT/SAT for freshman admissions will still be eliminated for California students.

UC Santa Barbara SAT Requirements 2023

Many students chose to make use of the test-optional policy and not submit their UC Santa Barbara SAT score or UC Santa Barbara ACT score in 2021. You should include your score if you think it will make your application stand out. 

This is a section wise breakdown of UC Santa Barbara SAT scores for the middle 50% of accepted applicants in 2019, which can give you some idea of the type of SAT scores this college generally expects. 

Section 25th percentile score 75th percentile score
SAT Evidence Based Reading & Writing 630 730
SAT Mathematics 650 790
SAT Essay 15 18
SAT Total 1280 1520

UC Santa Barbara ACT Requirements 2023

Just like the UC Santa Barbara SAT policy, the UC Santa Barbara ACT policy is test-optional. However, a good ACT score can help your application to this highly-ranked college and assist with enrollment in specific schools. The middle 50% of admitted students had an ACT score range of 26-31, meaning that only 25% of admitted students at UC Santa Barbara had an ACT score less than 26. The average UC Santa Barbara ACT composite score is 29.

Also check: Parsons SAT Requirements

UC Santa Barbara Requirements- A-G Subjects 2023

UC Santa Barbara requires that you study each of these subjects in highschool for at least the stipulated period of time: 

A. History = 2 years

B. English (or language of instruction) = 4 years

C. Mathematics = 3 years (4 years recommended)

D. Laboratory science = 2 years (3 years recommended)

E. Language other than English (or other second language) = 2 years (3 years recommended)

F. Visual and performing arts = 1 year

G. College preparatory elective = 1 year

UC Santa Barbara GPA Requirements 2023

UC Santa Barbara has strict GPA requirements for first-year applications. California residents must earn a GPA of 3.00 or higher. Students who are not residents of California must earn a GPA of 3.40 or higher. The GPA range of the middle 50% of accepted students in 2019 was 4.04 to 4.28. Thus, only 25% of students accepted to UC Santa Barbara had a GPA less than 4.04.

UC Santa Barbara Acceptance Rate 2024

In 2024, UC Santa Barbara had an acceptance rate of 26%. UC Santa Barbara reviews students on the basis of more than just their academic prowess, taking into consideration outstanding work in special projects and experiences that demonstrate a student’s capability for leadership.

Displaying real-world knowledge and skills is a good way to prove your talents in any application. Clever Harvey’s JuniorMBA program gives you the chance to work on real projects at real companies like PUMA, Kellogg’s, and Samsonite. The certificate you receive from these companies upon completion of the project is recognized by universities around the world. The projects you work on, such as building an ad campaign or solving a technical problem for a mobile application, give you skills that you can actually apply in the working world, and the admissions team will recognize this.

Also Check : Rutgers New Brunswick SAT Requirements

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Are you thinking of applying to the University of California, Santa Barbara? This college, also known as UC Santa Barbara or UCSB, is a public research university in Santa Barbara, California. It is one of the oldest undergraduate colleges in the University of California system, after UC Berkeley and UCLA.

Since all the students are carefully selected, UC Santa Barbara is able to provide an excellent learning environment. To get into this university, your application will definitely require some hard work and careful planning. This article will tell you about all the requirements for UC Santa Barbara, including UC Santa Barbara SAT scores, UC Santa Barbara ACT scores, UC Santa Barbara acceptance rate, etc.

UC Santa Barbara SAT Requirements

The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is used by many colleges in the United States to judge an applicant’s readiness for college-level academics. As the test is standardized and administered to students across the country and world, it provides a better base measure than school scores, which can be heavily affected by school-specific factors. Therefore, you should know the requirement for UC Santa Barbara SAT scores.

Also check: UT Austin SAT Requirements

UC Santa Barbara SAT Policy 2024-25

The UC Santa Barbara SAT policy is test-optional for all freshmen applicants. UC Santa Barbara will be test-blind for freshman applications for fall 2024. During this time, the university will not consider SAT or ACT test scores when making admissions decisions or awarding scholarships. If you choose to submit test scores as part of your application, they may be used as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility or for course placement after you enroll. In 2024, standardized test scores may be used for awarding certain scholarships and course placement.

By 2025, the University of California aims to eliminate any use of the ACT/SAT for California students and will require a new UC-endorsed test to measure UC-readiness. However, if by 2025 the new UC test is either unfeasible or not ready, consideration of the ACT/SAT for freshman admissions will still be eliminated for California students.

UC Santa Barbara SAT Requirements 2023

Many students chose to make use of the test-optional policy and not submit their UC Santa Barbara SAT score or UC Santa Barbara ACT score in 2021. You should include your score if you think it will make your application stand out. 

This is a section wise breakdown of UC Santa Barbara SAT scores for the middle 50% of accepted applicants in 2019, which can give you some idea of the type of SAT scores this college generally expects. 

Section 25th percentile score 75th percentile score
SAT Evidence Based Reading & Writing 630 730
SAT Mathematics 650 790
SAT Essay 15 18
SAT Total 1280 1520

UC Santa Barbara ACT Requirements 2023

Just like the UC Santa Barbara SAT policy, the UC Santa Barbara ACT policy is test-optional. However, a good ACT score can help your application to this highly-ranked college and assist with enrollment in specific schools. The middle 50% of admitted students had an ACT score range of 26-31, meaning that only 25% of admitted students at UC Santa Barbara had an ACT score less than 26. The average UC Santa Barbara ACT composite score is 29.

Also check: Parsons SAT Requirements

UC Santa Barbara Requirements- A-G Subjects 2023

UC Santa Barbara requires that you study each of these subjects in highschool for at least the stipulated period of time: 

A. History = 2 years

B. English (or language of instruction) = 4 years

C. Mathematics = 3 years (4 years recommended)

D. Laboratory science = 2 years (3 years recommended)

E. Language other than English (or other second language) = 2 years (3 years recommended)

F. Visual and performing arts = 1 year

G. College preparatory elective = 1 year

UC Santa Barbara GPA Requirements 2023

UC Santa Barbara has strict GPA requirements for first-year applications. California residents must earn a GPA of 3.00 or higher. Students who are not residents of California must earn a GPA of 3.40 or higher. The GPA range of the middle 50% of accepted students in 2019 was 4.04 to 4.28. Thus, only 25% of students accepted to UC Santa Barbara had a GPA less than 4.04.

UC Santa Barbara Acceptance Rate 2024

In 2024, UC Santa Barbara had an acceptance rate of 26%. UC Santa Barbara reviews students on the basis of more than just their academic prowess, taking into consideration outstanding work in special projects and experiences that demonstrate a student’s capability for leadership.

Displaying real-world knowledge and skills is a good way to prove your talents in any application. Clever Harvey’s JuniorMBA program gives you the chance to work on real projects at real companies like PUMA, Kellogg’s, and Samsonite. The certificate you receive from these companies upon completion of the project is recognized by universities around the world. The projects you work on, such as building an ad campaign or solving a technical problem for a mobile application, give you skills that you can actually apply in the working world, and the admissions team will recognize this.

Also Check : Rutgers New Brunswick SAT Requirements


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