Can you go to college in the US without taking the SAT Exam?


Many colleges have switched to “Test Optional” from 2022, meaning you can still get in without taking the SAT Exam!

Check out our top picks

Brown University

Brown is an Ivy League college that has gone test-optional. They can consider it if submitted but a SAT score isn’t required for application.

Carnegie Mellon University

One of the top research colleges in the US, Carnegie Mellon neither requires nor considers SAT scores for any applicants going forward.

Cornell University

Another Ivy going test optional, Cornell does not require SAT scores from its applicants and has not considered them for 2021-2022

California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

Good news for engineering students, Caltech (and other top ranking Tech schools like MIT) has also gone test-optional.

Princeton University

The current highest ranked Ivy by US News, Princeton does not require a SAT score  but recommends submitting one to improve applications.

Tufts University Dartmouth College Duke University Yale University And many others!

Other than this top 5, these top colleges have also gone test-optional: