What do they do?
Study, examine, and research the circulation, dispersion, and qualities of underground and surface water.
Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in hydrology, geology or earth sciences can put you on the path of becoming a hydrologist
Courses needed for an entry-level job.
A Master’s degree or a Ph.D will be needed to obtain specialist positions or get funding for research positions.
Courses needed for a professional position
- Communication skills - Observation skills - Critical-thinking skills - Problem-solving skills
Soft skills to develop
- IIT Roorkee - IIT Kharagpur - Anna University, Chennai
Colleges and universities to check out:
The industry is projected to grow at 10% through 2026. Hydrologists with experience and a master’s degree are expected to acquire prominent positions.
Job outlook
Job demand for hydrologists is projected to increase by 6% in the next decade due to the increase in the need for potable water and to mitigate floods.
Job demand
– Public Sector Companies – Research Organisations – Multimedia Channels – Private Companies
Work environment
Most hydrologists collect samples of water and analyse them in order to assure the quality of water and make sure it is free of harmful chemicals.
Day-to-day schedule
- Geoscientists - Environmental Scientists - Environmental Engineers - Professors
Frequent job positions:
If you’re looking for a dose of inspiration, One Water is a great watch
Movies about Hydrologists