Tips to get a perfect score in the SAT English section

Know what to expect

You’ll have 65 minutes to read five passages and answer a total of 52 questions.

Choose your own order.

Don’t be afraid to skip a hard question, and don’t worry if you can’t answer every question.

Read what you need.

Use skimming and scanning to read certain words and sentences that pertain to your question to save time.

Take dual passages one at a time.

There will be a set of dual passages, split its questions and do it in order of the 1st and 2nd passage then attempt the questions of the dual passage to save time.

Save main idea questions for last.

The main idea question is first, but also the longest! Save it for the end.

Do a ton of practice, and understand every single mistake

You need to make sure every single one of your weak points is covered.

Time yourself on every question to improve your skills

On every practice test or question set that you take, mark every question that you are unsure of and then review them later,especially for grammatical errors.

Improve your grammar and vocabulary.

Increasing your reading and watching of english content will improve your vocabulary greatly

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