What do Geoscientists do?
Geoscientists study the Earth - its history, its topography and its biospheres. They work both indoors, in labs and outdoors.
First, complete your 12th grade with PCM and Geology, if possible. After that, do a B.Sc and an M.Sc in Geology.
How do I get into this?
Yes! Many geoscientists choose to do a PhD in Geology too, which is helpful for conducting original research
Are there any other courses?
- Hansraj College, Delhi - Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi - Presidency College, Kolkata
What are the top colleges in India?
- ETH Zurich- Switzerland - Harvard University- USA - MIT- USA
What are the top colleges in the world?
You should have basic knowledge of engineering and mapping techniques, as well as thorough knowledge of geology.
What kind of skills would I need?
Teamwork, good communication and good perception are crucial to being a good geoscientist.
Do I need any soft skills?
The average salary for a geoscientist in India is ₹20,00,000 per year
How much will I earn?
Yes! The industry is expected to grow 7% from 2020 to 2030 due to an increase in the need for renewable energy and responsible management of resources.
Is there a demand for geoscientist?
Yes! The field has been featured across numerous blockbusters like Deep Impact (1998), Day After Tomorrow (2004) and more.
Is the career referenced in the media?