Parenting response to digital chaos!

Generation GAP! A reality none can deny and only a few have triumphed over. The percentage of parents or children who bridge the valley of disconnection and misunderstandings is very small. Let’s look at some connection hacks nonetheless! 😊 “Parenting is the art of knowing what ‘not’ to do!” – Purvi Mehta The most under-rated […]
4 Clever Harvey JuniorMBA who climbed their wall of success

Success can be subjective! In general, ‘success’ can be measured not by the tangible gains and assets one collects in life, but from the journey they have accomplished in reaching that point. Stories of these four young entrepreneurs are sure to fill every reader’s heart with pride and patriotism! Beyond upgrading their own lives, they […]
How to ensure a career that’s a money-magnet?

Money moves the world! 😉 Money ‘matters’, and there are no two ways about it. The dynamics of money scales from its relevance to planning, and stalking to investing! As a currency, it’s a wonderful slave, but as a master, it can be terrible! Money Reels! 😊 Money is a mode, that paves the road […]
Cost of Choosing a wrong Career

Education is survival! Life on this blue planet revolves around education. Stone-age man empowered with knowledge turned into a modern man landing on the moon. From agriculture to industrialization and urbanization to luxuries, life continues in terms of growth and development of humanity. The know-how of the ‘right’ things is thus the key to survival […]
Career counseling that actually works!

Exploration is the mother of freedom. Freedom is the mother of happiness and happiness is the goal of life! But what then is the source of happiness? Well, a perfect career! 😊 How it’s defined? A career that is an excellent combination of personal, professional, social and financial success is termed as a perfect career. […]
Does AI have a place in Filmmaking?

Artificial intelligence can be utilized to curate video films, produce sound, and make a carbon copy of human faces. Last year, my teammates and I represented our school in a national-level filmmaking contest on the subject of AI, and in that short film, we made a face utilizing AI and also produced a voice cut […]
Nurturing children’s entrepreneurship skills

“Entrepreneurial skills are not limited to those who want to start a business. These are skills that every child needs to succeed in life,” says Sriram Subramanian, Mumbai-based co-founder & CEO, Clever Harvey, a firm which offers a Junior MBA online program to teenage children. Subramanian’s 10 pointers to nurture entrepreneurial skills of adolescents: Ringside […]
5 Best ways to develop early Entrepreneurship Skills

The best way to predict the future is to create it! The internet has put us on a shore with an ocean of information to dive-in. Among other things, searching for the perfect career option for our beloved children is like getting oysters from the ocean bed. This article attempts to empower parents with some […]
What is the JuniorMBA by Clever Harvey?

Would you buy a gadget without having any knowledge about it? Would you buy a car without test driving the feeling of comfort you thought it would give? That’s exactly what the JuniorMBA by Clever Harvey is here to provide! JuniorMBA helps empower the young teenagers with the knowledge of various career options available […]