Junior MBA


skills of a tech whiz.

It's Time Efficient!
15 sessions.
1 hour each.
Mon – Fri for 3 weeks.

It's Fun!
Live, interactive sessions.
Make new friends.
Friendly Faculty.

It's Convenient!
Live, online sessions
via Zoom.
Choice of batch timings.

It's Real!
Learn about
Brands you love.
Build your own project.

It's Industry Certified!
by cult.fit.
Stand out in college
And internship applications.

It's Industry Certified!
by cult.fit.
Strengthen college applications.

It's Real!
Learn about brands you love.
Build your own project.

It's Time Efficient!
15 sessions, 1 hour each.
Mon – Fri for 3 weeks.

It's Fun!
Make new friends.

It's Convenient!
Live, online sessions via Zoom.
Choice of batch timings.
Key Concepts Covered
- Day 1 - Thinking like a CTO: Introduction to Technology in Business
- Day 2 - What the Tech? Identifying Problems That Need a Solution
- Day 3 - The Tech Revolution: Creating & Evaluating Solutions
- Day 4 - From Zero to One: Building your “Minimum Viable Product”
- Day 5 - Getting Technical 1: Introduction to Thunkable
- Day 6 - Talking to Computers: Algorithms
- Day 7 - Building For Humans: User Flows
- Day 8 - Building the Logic: Inputs & Outputs
- Day 9 - Getting Technical 2: Thunkable Logic
- Day 10 - Getting Technical 3: Building a Log-In Page in Thunkable
- Day 11 - Getting Technical 4: Working in Thunkable
- Day 12 - The Cult.Fit Challenge: Creating a Product Development Plan
- Day 13 - Tech Innovations with Cult.Fit
- Day 14 - How Are You Doing? Peer-Review
- Day 15 - Presentations!

Industry Project
- You will build and test an app for cult.fit!
Industry Tool

Curriculum Overview
Key Concepts Covered
- Day 1 - Thinking like a CTO: Introduction to Technology in Business
- Day 2 - What the Tech? Identifying Problems That Need a Solution
- Day 3 - The Tech Revolution: Creating & Evaluating Solutions
- Day 4 - From Zero to One: Building your “Minimum Viable Product”
- Day 5 - Getting Technical 1: Introduction to Thunkable
- Day 6 - Building for Humans: User Flows
- Day 7 - Talking to Computers: Algorithms
- Day 8 - Building the Logic: Inputs & Outputs
- Day 9 - Getting Technical 2: Thunkable Logic
- Day 10 - Getting Technical 3: Building a Log-In Page in Thunkable
- Day 11 - Getting Technical 4: Working in Thunkable
- Day 12 - The Cult.Fit Challenge: Creating a Product Development Plan
- Day 13 - Tech Innovations with Cult.Fit
- Day 14 - How Are You Doing? Peer-Review
- Day 15 - Demo Day: Presentations!
Industry Project
- You will build and test an app for cult.fit!
Industry Tool

Loved by students
& parents

Amena Yasmeen
Narayana Junior College, Hyderabad

I was able to learn new things and accept all challenges with newer perspectives on things that once seemed so complex.
We examined different case studies of on the functioning of the market giants and it made me confident to cooperate, collaborate and compete.

Amogh Bhat
Patkar Varde College

My sister recommended this course and she said it was helpful so I decided to do this course. I was a bit worried as I was not interested in technology.
But after doing this course I started liking technology and realized how important it is for us all to understand tech in today’s world.

Chhavi Katyal
Heritage Xperiential Learning school, Gurgaon

I feel that this course has taught me to look beyond the fact that “CODING” is only technology. BECAUSE IT IS NOT.
Coding is not the only aspect of tech. The biggest part is how to apply technology to create new solutions. This course gave me a whole new perspective.

Abhijit Kaur
15 years

I got a chance to learn about some amazing technologies out there in the world which I had no idea about whatsoever.
The classes were interactive and all the concepts were taught in a fun and interesting way!
Most importantly I have understood about the role of a CTO and about all the work they do…this will definitely help me out while deciding my future career!

Palaash Jadav
Children's Academy, Mumbai

I got a chance to collaborate and work together in a team where people came from different parts of the country and had different ideas for the final project.
I am very proud of the innovation we designed. Because of this program, I have learnt team spirit and enhanced my public speaking skills which will help me in college, jobs and career.

Aryan Rai
The Kalyani School

I learnt about the role of CTO, their main roles in startups and even in larger corporations. There’s so much more along the lines of using AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Algorithm development, et cetera.
I enjoyed the interactions with the CTO during our presentation and the formulation of ideas. I feel like me and my partner did great and collaborated effortlessly.
The project was amazing and I want to continue this idea into the future.

Rishabh Girish
Dolor sit amet

My experience at the JuniorMBA course was amazing and we learnt about so many concepts like value proposition charts, revenue streams and business models and I understood every bit of it.
Because of this course I aspire to become the CEO of a company one day and the skills that I learned in this course will help me achieve that.

Pia Maniar
13 years

The thing that made me sign up for the course was, that since a long time I’ve been saying I want to become a business woman.
But I really didn’t know how much hard work went into being one and thus I did this course and I’m glad I did!
During the final project, I felt nervous at first but now I feel great because I think my product could be a game changer in the market!

Edhita Singhal
15 years

I learned communication and presentation skills through our final pitch which will help in conferences, meetings and discussions in the future.
I also learned more about businesses and that will be useful in future projects.
I enjoyed learning about the different channels used to reach the customers along with the different types of relationships various companies establish with their consumers.

Divyasha Satapathy
16 years

It was a fabulous experience!
All through our 15 days intensive learning journey, we got an insight into many new concepts and on the final day got an opportunity to pitch in front of the leaders and industrialists of the corporate world who judged us and gave us a new vision about our start-up business.

14 years

I have learnt many business strategies and these have helped me build my self confidence.
I was amazed that I could actually make a proper business plan and an elevator pitch!

Lorem Ipsum
Dolor sit amet

I can apply everything I have learnt here while starting my own business, every young mind needs this sort of guidance!
I was nervous at first [during the competition] but then it went pretty smooth, and when the judges appreciated the idea (which I had actually brainstormed a lot about) it made me feel so happy!
Your Investment of ₹10,000 for
- 15 Live Sessions
- Concepts Training
- Industry Project
- Industry Certificate
- Priceless learning & confidence

Your Investment
Program fee: ₹10,000
- 15 Live Sessions
- Concepts Training
- Industry Project
- Industry Certificate
- Priceless learning & confidence