

Eyes turn into stars-n-hearts 🤩 when we hear the word ‘reward’. Images of rewards come floating by! While our little kiddos are the most excited about the prospects of rewards, age is no bar here! 😉 But, can there be science behind, ‘How to rewards our kids’? Certainly! Let’s find out!

What it brings at hand!

Parenting ain’t a cakewalk nor a bed of roses. Just as Sir Isaac Newton taught in the law of science; ‘Every action has equal and opposite reaction’, it’s applicable in parenting too. Well-curated reward systems are bound to turn a home into a happy place with lots of grooming and growing! 💞

What we should know beforehand!

Just like how every coin has got two sides, so does the reward system! Out of some limitations that this system brings, our kids falling into the trap of addiction for rewards remains the biggest concern. Some other cons can be – the devaluation of rewards which can, in turn, lead to immunity towards them, it can also lead to inculcation towards bribery from the formative years. Parents can also fall into the trap of being more controlling and manipulative. Yet the flip side of this coin is a perfect method to groom our little masters. Only a little thoughtfulness and restrain at the parents’ end can reap pleasing results. 🏆

5 tools we have at hand!

  1. Praise: Take notice of all their acts, even if they are baby-steps towards progress. Praise every effort with genuine feedback and constructive criticism. 🥰
  2. Trips: Covid-19 has irrefutably proved it to entire humanity that staying in confinement is not a desirable state of being. Short and sweet quick-night-drives, cosy morning-walks or outings of any sort can work wonders to recognize their struggles. 🚗
  3. Eatables: Mouth-watering desserts or sizzling hot-chocolate, icy ice-creams or some exotic cuisine treat is all it will take to make our children do any task again! On fulfilling some relevant assignments such treats can make their day and boost their will-power to keep performing more. 🍭
  4. Gifts & Gadgets: Here we may run the risk of exposing our teenagers to a delusional state of gratification. Yet, these can be very strong motivational rewards. If well-handled and gifted on some remarkable achievement it can have a long-term stimulating impact. 📸
  5. JuniorMBA: If we are looking for a distinctive and treasured reward, we may choose to enrol our teen into one of the Clever Harvey’s JuniorMBA courses. It is an opportunity disguised as ‘reward’! With world-class companies onboard and internship openings, it’s a skill-development ride. Furthermore, it turns out to be a confidence and personality grooming drive with a unique career designing break! Read more about it here. 👑

5 outcomes to expect at the end!

  1. Confident persona: Their confidence will boost after every fulfilled task. Regular feedback will build-up their strength. Their everyday indulgence in academics, co-curricular activities, social and family interactions will experience a make-over. 😎
  2. Strengthens parent-child bond: When children see us investing in their talent and trusting their innovative skills, our bond blossoms. Our teenagers not only connect better with us but also learn to see value and respect in our decisions. 👨‍👩‍👧
  3. Upraised Self-esteem: Prospects like Junior MBA can help them establish a brighter career with clarity. Forge a plan to lead a life of accomplishment. Additionally, it empowers their self-value and esteem. The present and the future both are taken care of at once. 🤴🏻
  4. Self-motivation: A desire to keep giving their best, becomes a part of their value-system. Their attitude towards focus and dedication in taking-up new opportunities reflects in their eyes. Academics becomes the easiest field for them to show-case their mettle. 💪🏻
  5. Contended Future: All the above four traits are the basic ingredients for success in life. Be it social, financial, professional or personal arena of life, our children will be able to rise above circumstances with sanity and a healthy mind-set. As they say, ‘What we think, we become.’ Let’s help kids see their worth and build a life! 👼🏻

#HappyRewarding   #HappySucceding

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