Cost of Choosing a wrong Career


Education is survival!

Life on this blue planet revolves around education. Stone-age man empowered with knowledge turned into a modern man landing on the moon. From agriculture to industrialization and urbanization to luxuries, life continues in terms of growth and development of humanity. The know-how of the ‘right’ things is thus the key to survival and growth.

Everything is priced!

Who in their sane mind would deny that education is as expensive as it is necessary? Starting from the pre-nursery at the age of two to completing a Ph.D. at around the age of twenty-eight the investment going behind it all is humongous. The cost of education includes many expenses like school/university fees, uniforms, shoes, books, school tuition fees, and co-curricular activities. As much as fun and worthy they might be, but it all comes with a price tag nonetheless. Yet, parents make constant efforts to provide the best for their kids. 😊

Education is an investment!

Investments deserve returns. Greater the investment, higher are the expectations of returns. How much ROI (return on investment) will one get depends on the choices made. This stands true for financial, entrepreneurial, educational, and every other field we can think of. Be it, mutual funds, shares, or education making a well-analyzed choice at the initial stage is a significant factor. While other investments bring us more money, the rate of return in education depends on a good and successful career. Top career options generate greater possibilities of professional, financial, social, and psychological well-being with high ROI. 

Cost of choosing the wrong career!

It is a no-brainer that quality things incur high prices. But what gets overlooked is that, wrong choices turn out to be costlier in the longer run. Up until the age of twenty-one for graduation, twenty-three for masters, and later if one seeks a Ph.D. then five more years are invested. How dreary it could be to imagine making a wrong career choice! Sixty percent of our lives we are working, if one gets into a career, they do not love or are not good at, their suffering would be endless. At the time of choosing a career, the options that might be trending, would they be in demand a few years down the line? Will the chosen career suit the preferences of that child? These are questions worth pondering upon. If a child is able to get a better understanding of his/her likes, dislikes, skills at a growing age, then a well-informed decision can be shaped. Accurate career selection depends on choosing between what is attractive ‘now’ compared to what will be ‘effective’ in the future and what would reverberate with the child’s personality. 

Not all classrooms have four walls!

The true purpose of teaching any subject/topic should be to engage thoughts, open minds, encourage questioning, promote exploration, support learning, and see the child excel in it. 

Current education methodology supports, imagination, creativity, skill development, and overall grooming within the boundaries of academics. A larger question that needs to be addressed is; is that much exposure enough? Evidently “No”. Children should be given access to the real world’s working and understanding also. In the growing age of teens, they are capable of grasping new things with ease and in the process, recognizing their true interests. A major part of education in the real sense happens outside the four walls of the classroom, then, shouldn’t we expose our children to such opportunities early on?

Experiment – Learn – Succeed

True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination – Albert Einstein 

Every child is an artist and the purpose of education should be to assist in discovering that art. Let’s gift the children the courage to experiment with novel ideas of learning. Clever Harvey‘s JuniorMBA opens up a new learning opportunity filled with experimentation and exploration. It’s a unique way to help children find what they love and what they are skilled at. JuniorMBA is meant to help them churn out the best of their talents and verify what works well in the real world. This is how a unique opportunity of exploring a classroom without four walls, would look like! A perfect endeavor to discover what inspires the core of the child without any pressure of performance. Let’s assist them to innovate their way into their career! 😉 Read about it here

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