
Do you want to be a scientist who travels and discovers nature? Do you want to help by researching nearby water bodies and natural activities to see how they might affect us? Do you want to make a change in the world? This blog is a detailed guide on what a hydrologist does, different paths you can take to become a hydrologist, and different job opportunities as a Hydrologist.

What does a Hydrologist  Do? 

A hydrologist is a scientist who studies surface and underground water properties. They comprehend how water behaves both below and above ground. The nature of their work involves travelling, researching, and examining different water samples. Some of the responsibilities are the following: 

  • To support projects and programs, plan, gather, and monitor surface and groundwater data.
  • Work together on issues involving water resources with the local, state, and federal governments.
  • carry out watershed and stormwater studies.
  • Processing is done on data from hydrology, snow, and meteorology.
  • Create a range of maps and figures, including isopach, cross-sections, water quality, and other hydrogeologic data, as well as groundwater elevation contour maps, geologic structure, and other hydrogeologic data.
  • Equipment for monitoring water quality and water property should be installed and maintained.
  • The kind and degree of groundwater contamination should be determined.
  • both oral and written presentations.

Job Roles 

  • Environmental scientists

Employ their knowledge to safeguard both the environment and people. They aid in the creation of environmental policies, lessen waste generation, and eliminate pollutants that harm our environment.

  • Hydrogeologists

 Instead of surface water, they deal with the distribution and movement of underground water. They project the effects of groundwater quality and flow in the future.

  • Conservation scientists

Enhance and safeguard natural resources They monitor the environment’s quality, work to maintain the forest’s land quality, offer assistance when they notice tree or forest land damage, and safeguard the area.

  • Meteorologist 

An expert in meteorology can understand, observe, or predict atmospheric occurrences on Earth and explain how the atmosphere influences life on the planet.

  • Geoscientists

Work on projects to clean up and reclaim the land as well as environmental protection and preservation. To understand the past, present, and future of the Earth, geoscientists study its physical characteristics, such as its composition, structure, and processes.

  • Professors

The highest level of educators, professors typically hold doctoral degrees in their fields. They teach college-level students, they take part in research work as well. 

  • Environmental engineers 

To address issues related to the environment, environmental engineers work to improve recycling, waste disposal, and pollution control.

  • Marine biologist

Marine biologists investigate marine organisms, evaluate the state of their habitats, and determine how human activity has affected these organisms and their environments.

  • Water quality engineer 

By looking at the chemistry of the water, they manage and treat wastewater. They clean up the water that has chemical and biological contaminants.

  • Oceanographer

They research marine organisms, their development, and their relationships with one another while studying the marine environment.

Career path for becoming a Hydrologist 

Path 1 

  • Select a science course that covers biology, physics, chemistry, and mathematics (PCMB).
  • Pursue BSc in Hydrology. 
  • Pursue MSc in Hydrology and gain some experience during an internship. 

Path 2 

  • Take science stream PCMB with geography.
  • Pursue in Geosciences Engineering
  • Then take in Geosciences engineering 

You can also consider doing a PhD after completing either way if you are interested in researching. To learn more about colleges to attend, see How to Become a Hydrologist.

Salary of Hydrologist in different stages of career

Experience Salary Range 
Below 3 yrs $51K
3-9 yrs $84K
Above 10 yrs $135K

5 Skills required to be a Hydrologist

  • Communication Skills

You collaborate with various environmental scientists when gathering samples and analyzing data, which calls for strong verbal communication abilities and strong writing abilities as you produce reports based on your findings.

  • Analytical Skills 

Excellent analytical skills are required to comprehend data, analyze it, and draw insightful conclusions from analyses. Possessing strong research abilities will give you a career advantage.

  • Critical Thinking 

The job of a hydrologist requires the ability to think critically in order to assess the risks associated with pollution, droughts, and floods. You need critical thinking skills to come up with workable solutions to such problems.

  • Physical Stamina 

You might take water samples from far-off places while working in the field. For the purpose of collecting samples, you may need to carry your equipment and sampling tools, which demand physical stamina.

  • Computer Skills 

Hydrologists may have to spend a lot of time analyzing the water sample they have collected. As they produce data, graphs, and spreadsheets, it is critical for these scientists to have a fundamental understanding of computer usage.

Is Hydrologist a Good Career Option?

Water scarcity is a major issue brought on by the expanding population. You can be successful in the field of hydrology if you’re driven to find a solution. Right now, there is a big need for qualified hydrologists.

 Due to increased efforts by both government and non-government organizations to address the water crisis, the variety of jobs for hydrologists has recently increased and the salary is lucrative in the field. In the upcoming years, it is anticipated that demand in this industry will rise significantly.

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Type of Industries Hiring Hydrologists  

  • Public Sector Industries
  • Television Industry 
  • Research Institutions 
  • Private Sector Industries 

10 Top Recruiters for Hydrologists

  • National Institute of Hydrology 
  • Central Government
  • National Water Supply and Drainage Board
  • State Government 
  • Board of Water Supply
  • Municipal Corporations
  • Bureau of land management
  • The Geological Survey of India
  • U.S. Geological Survey
  • Ministry of Earth Sciences of the Government

Courses to Upskill as a Hydrologist 

Here are a few courses you can take to increase your hydrology knowledge.

  • Certificate course in Hydrology
  • Certificate course in Ground Water Geophysics 
  • Certificate course in Hydrogeology
  • Certificate course in Artificial Recharge to Groundwater 

Qualification to become a Hydrologist

If you want to become a hydrologist, you can pursue the following degrees.

Undergraduate degree in India 

The duration of the courses mentioned below will last 3 to 4 years.  

  • B.Sc in Hydrology 
  • B.Sc in Earth Sciences 
  • B.Sc in Geology 
  • B.Tech Geosciences Engineering

Postgraduate degree in India 

The duration of the courses is 2 years. 

  • MSc in Hydrology
  • MSc in Earth Sciences 
  • in Civil Engineering 
  • MSc in Geology

Degrees Abroad

BS in Hydrologeologist, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, Geology, ocean engineering, and more are undergraduate degrees that can be used to pursue a career as a hydrologist abroad.

Enrol in a master’s programme in civil engineering, geosciences, hydrology, or Hydrodynamics.

Start by preparing for the  TOEFL, IELTS, and SAT exams to gain admission to foreign universities. Visit this blog to learn more about how to take the SAT.

I want to know More! 


  • Fundamentals of Hydrology By Tim Davie 
  • Hydrometeorology by Christopher G. Collier
  • Urban Hydrology, Hydraulics, And Stormwater Quality by Akan
  • Urban Drainage by David Butler, Christos Makropoulos, John W. Davies, Christopher, James Digman
  • Where the River Flows by Sean W. Fleming

Famous Personalities 

  • Eric F. Wood
  • John Williams
  • Paul A. Witherspoon
  • Luna Leopold 
  • James C. I. Dooge

It takes perseverance and a long-term commitment to studies to become a hydrologist. On your journey to becoming a hydrologist, best wishes.


Who are some famous hydrologists?

Eric F. Wood
John Williams
Paul A. Witherspoon
Luna Leopold 
James C. I. Dooge

Is hydrology a good career?

The variety of jobs for hydrologists has recently increased, and the pay in the field is lucrative, as a result of increased efforts by both government and non-government organisations to address the water crisis. It is anticipated that demand in this sector will increase significantly over the coming years.

What skills are needed to be a hydrologist?

critically analysing
Analysis Capabilities
computer expertise
Observational Techniques
Skills in Communication
Writing Abilities

How much does a hydrogeological study cost?

A hydrologist can expect to pay between $ 35 and $ 45 thousand for education. Although the price to become a hydrologist in India ranges from about 1 lakh to 20 lakh, depending on the university you attend.

Why do we study hydrology?

Because it deals with one of the world’s most valuable resources, water, the study of hydrology is essential. Every aspect of water is studied by geologists and engineers in order to gain the knowledge necessary for efficient management. Thorough knowledge of how water interacts with its environment, including how it travels from the Earth’s surface to the atmosphere and back, is required of hydrologists.

What are the fields of hydrology?

Fields in Hydrology include hydrogeology, hydrometeorology, surface hydrology, marine hydrology, Water quality and drainage basin management.

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