Do you want to do your undergraduate degree at Amherst College? Amherst College is a private liberal arts college based in the United States that offers world-renowned education. Amherst College is only looking to admit the best candidates that most closely fit the rigorous Amherst College admission standards. To make the most of your application, this article will outline the Amherst College SAT requirements, Amherst College GPA cutoffs and more details on the Amherst College application process.
Amherst College SAT Requirements
Amherst College SAT requirements, like many other prestigious US colleges, are of very high importance as the SAT provides a standardized unit to measure your academic ability. The school typically requires standardized test scores, but will allow super scoring to meet Amherst College SAT requirements, and does not require or consider subject SATs or the optional writing section.
This super scoring policy also extends to the Amherst College ACT considerations. Below are the key factors relevant to the Amherst College SAT requirements.
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Amherst College SAT Testing Policy 2024
For all first year and transfer Amherst College applicants in the admissions cycle in 2024 (including transfer students) Amherst College SAT policy is test-optional. Amherst College admissions officers are piloting a 4 year test-optional policy, i.e. students applying between 2024-2025 will not have to submit SAT scores.
This means that while SAT and other standardised test scores like ACT can be considered if submitted, candidates are not required to do so and will not be disadvantaged or penalised if their Amherst College application does not have SAT test scores. This Amherst College SAT test optional policy extends to international students, home schooled students and merit-based scholarship programs at Amherst College. That being said, a great SAT score can help boost your Amherst College application and by reaching the Amherst College SAT requirements you can prove your ability to admissions officers.
Amherst College SAT Requirements 2024-25
The table below describes the average scores of previously admitted students via Amherst College past data which can be used as the basis for Amherst College SAT requirements in 2024-25:
SAT Section | Average Score (50th Percentile) | 25th Percentile | 75th Percentile |
Reading & Writing | 740 | 710 | 770 |
Mathematics | 765 | 720 | 790 |
Composite Score | 1505 | 1430 | 1560 |
The first column provides the average score of admitted first year students, meaning a composite score of 1505+ will keep you comfortably in the Amherst College SAT target applicant bucket. Scoring in the 25th percentile (or around 1430) puts you below average while still being considered whereas scoring in the 75th percentile puts you above average- or above 75% of other successful test takers with a score of over 1560.
Amherst College ACT Scores
Amherst College ACT testing policy is the same as the policy for the SAT, i.e. it is test-optional. This means it is not required but can be considered if submitted in your Amherst College application. According to past Amherst College ACT data, the Amherst College ACT average ranges between 32-35.
The Amherst College ACT code for official submission is 1774.
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Amherst College GPA Requirements
Amherst College GPA requirements are typically around a 4.07 at minimum. While not explicitly stated by the University itself, this figure is the average GPA of successful applicants who succeeded in getting accepted to Amherst College. This makes Amherst College a very competitive college, and requires you to achieve very high grades throughout your schooling.
That being said, leading institutions like Amherst College rarely have a concrete GPA requirement as it may change based on your field of study and your overall application. Aiming to evaluate all applicants holistically, a below average GPA or SAT score does not ruin your chances at Amherst College. A candidate with a GPA of below 4.07 may still get into Amherst College if it is balanced out with extracurriculars, sports achievements, great standardized test scores or other outstanding achievements that show your application to be a cut above the rest.
Amherst College Acceptance Rate
Amherst College has an acceptance rate of only 7%, meaning that of every 100 applicants, only around 7 are able to secure their admission and get accepted to Amherst College. This low admissions rate makes Amherst College a very competitive college to get into and so maintaining the Amherst College SAT scores and Amherst College GPA cutoff averages is essential.
How to secure admission to Amherst College
The admissions requirements itself only start with a GPA of 4.07 and composite SAT scores of 1505+, in reality Amherst College admissions officers are looking for extraordinary students that will go above and beyond to become the next generation of leaders and innovators.
A good way to demonstrate this drive to admissions committees is by providing proof of concept through real world experience. By interning and working in business environments you can demonstrate to the university that you’re able to apply theories and concepts you;ve learned in school- and show your prowess in your field of study.
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